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Two stripers on Napa River

Striper Trolling Kit 




Boat Trolling


Rivers, lakes, bays

The Striper Trolling Kit is designed by our guides for boat anglers looking for precise gear and tackle to troll rivers, bays, and lakes for striped bass. The kit includes a rod, reel, spooled with fishing line, swivel clips, and 2 trolling lures. 


Phenix XG-4 Trolling Rod


Okuma Cold Water Counter Reel


150 yards of 15lbs Flouroclear Monoline

Striper trolling kit hero pic


The Wild Thing Italian Stallion Trolling Lure


Aruku Shad Golden Boy Trolling Lure


Video tutorials included

Phenix XG-4 XStreme Rod
  • Ideally suited for Striper Trolling with the perfect combination of backbone stiffness and tip flexibility

  • The rod is ideal for targeting 16-30+ inch stripers using rat-l-trap, P-line deep divers, and other diving lures

  • As a 7'11 one-piece S-Glass rod, the bite feel is amazing and every fight is epic

  • This rod is extremely sensitive but has enough power to get the fish going in the direction you need​

  • It's a perfect choice for anglers who enjoy the fight as much as the catch itself

  • Phenix offers a limited lifetime warranty on their rods 

Phenix XG-4 Trolling Rod

The Kit Contains

Okuma Cold Water Counter Reel
Okuma Cold Water Reel
  • The reel perfectly pairs with the Phenix XG-4 kit rod

  • 25 lbs. of drag balances the delicate sensitivity of the XG-4 by giving you enough power to control the fish and increase catch rate, even while enjoying the tremendous feel of the Phenix XG-4 rod

  • The mechanical line counter helps you keep track of your lure backset

  • This reel is highly adaptable and besides striper fishing, can be used for a variety of species including salmon, halibut, and just about all other 3 lbs+ fish types

  • 1-Year manufacturer warranty

Two Top-Producing Lures
  • P-Line Predator-based custom-made Italian Stallion deep diving lure.

  • This lure is designed to dive 10-12 feet and should be fished 50-95 feet behind the boat in a 7-20 ft depth

  • Watch the tutorial for detailed advice and recommendations on using this lure. It's an absolute striper magnet. 

  • Golden Boy, aka Spro Akuru Shad​

  • The Golden Boy outfishes any other striper lure by a huge margin. Its fish production rate is only rivaled by the Italian Stallion. 

The Italian Stallion and the Golden Boy
Reel counter at Sweeney's Sports
Professionally Spooled 
  • We spool your reel with 200 yards of 15 lbs test P-Line Flouroclear monofilament line before shipping

  • We recommend using mono connected directly to the snap swivel, which in turn connects to your lure

  • A set of recommended-size snap swivels is also included

  • Alternatively, you can use a braided line, which has its advantages, however, after countless guided trips our recommendation is to reduce the number of connections and improve the simplicity of re-rigging if you lose your lure and snap-swivel connector on the snag

  • Our tutorial video covers mono vs braid line consideration in some depth

Striper Trolling Tutorial

  • Prep and setup tips 

  • Striper behavior

  • Trolling speed and distance

  • How to find fish on the radar 

  • Overcoming the slow day

  • Fighting and boating stripers

Buy Now

Striper Trolling Kit

$420.00Regular Price$399.00Sale Price

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835 Lincoln Ave, Napa, CA 94558

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